Welcome to Marc Denis' 98 CKGM radio Super 70s Tribute Page
Bienvenue à
l'Hommage à la radio CKGM Super 70s de Marc Denis


March 1970: CKGM's first on-air lineup of the Super 70s
Left to right, standing: J. Lee Smith,
J. P. Finnigan *
Left to right, sitting: Ron Able *,
Michael W. Morgan,
Robert Bell,
Jim Patton,
Tom McLean
December 1974:
CKGM’s Toys For Tots Promotion
Left to right: Dan O’Neil, Marc “Mais Oui”
Steve Shannon *, Randy Dewell *, Greg Stewart,
Ralph Lockwood *, Mike Williams *
Missing from photo: Donny Burns, Gary Bell * |
September 1978:
CKGM’s I Love You Montréal
Je t’aime on-air gang
Back: Alain Montpetit *, Chris Michaels,
Steve Shannon *, Robert G. Hall, Rob Christie
Bottom: Gary Bell *, Marc “Mais Oui” Denis,
Ralph Lockwood * |
Collection d’articles-souvenirs Super
70s : les macarons et le frisbee CKGM,
le blouson officiel CKGM Olympic Breakfast 1976, le panneau
et les chandails
de la “Connection” française (Rob-Marc-Scott)
et les fameux tee-shirts jaunes
“I Love You Montréal Je t’aime”
November 1973: a "Me Tarzan! You Jane!"
moment on the CKGM morning show with a
shirtless Ralph Lockwood * and traffic reporter
Mary Anne Carpentier. Playing "monkey in
the midlle" behind the control room glass
is Super 70s op, "Crazy Bruce" Morel
July 1978: Montréal ladies are looking
extra sexy all summer long in their
CKGM "I Love You Montréal Je t'aime"
super short Super Summer Shorts?
Oh la la !
Contribution: Danny Hughes, Halifax
October 1977: Can retired Montréal Canadiens’ legend Henri Richard * deliver three morning sportscasts on the Great 98? That is the challenge put forth by CKGM sports director Jim Bay *. If Henri succeeds, Jim vows to don a waiter’s apron and serve the patrons at Henri’s Park Avenue Brasserie that very evening. You guessed it! The Pocket Rocket delivers the hat trick on the radio in the morning and many members of CKGM’s Super 70s staff just happen to drop by in the evening to make sure Big Jim is delivering on his end of the deal.
Enjoying a round of Super 70s “stubbies”, left to right: David Wolfe (CKGM Promotions Director and Jock), Tom Castle (Sales), Doug Price (Production), Tony Van Doorn (Op, in Habs sweater), Mark Burns (News Director, standing), Hilary MacLeod (News), a beaming Henri, a very busy Jim Bay * (nice apron!), Danny Hughes * (Op), Laurent Lavigne (News, almost seen), Greg Sullivan (Sales) and Steve Naymark (Sales).
Santé à toute la gang !
CKGM is home to one of the zaniest morning
men ever, anywhere, Ralph Lockwood * (1972 to
By the way... how's your bird? |
Janvier 1976 : Deux-cents
autobus à Montréal arborent les physionomies des
trois animateurs bilingues de CKGM surnommés
La “Connection” française
(Rob Christie, Marc “Mais Oui” Denis, Scott Carpentier)
Le trio fait fureur à CKGM de l’automne 1975 jusqu’au
printemps 1977 |
Marc “Mais
Oui” Denis / CKGM pin and bus back image (1976
to 1980) |
Contribution: Mitch Snaden, Windsor Ontario
September 1979: The CKGM /
Loyola Super Slackers prior to taking on the legendary Harlem
Globetrotters at the Forum, proceeds to the Ste-Justine and
Montreal Children's Hospitals.
Top, left-to-right: Buster Bodean, Marc “Mais Oui”
Denis, Big Jim Bay *, Almost-as-Big Dan Willmott and MC Ralph
Lockwood * (in the dapper Dorion Suit. Ralphie can't play because
of an apparent last minute injury...a “sore bird”).
Kneeling, left-to-right: Mitch Snaden, Doug
“Curly Neal” Price and traffic reporter Omega
Medina...who always knows how to get out of a jam.
The final score? Don't ask. |

December 1974: an official year-end chart
of The
Top 98 of 1974, the first of many Countdowns
Marc Denis would host on CKGM during the 70s.
Number 1 song of the year in Montréal in 1974?
Rock Your Baby by George McRae

October 1979: one of Montréal’s
all time favorite
rock groups is Styx. The boys never miss
opportunity to drop by CKGM when they play
the ol’ Forum.
Left to right: Styx drummer John Panozzo *,
Marc Denis, and Styx guitarist James Young who
still leads the band today.

Mai 1974 : le fameux panier
de pique-nique CKGM Super Summer '74 à gagner pendant
tout l'été 1974.
A l'intérieur : deux serviettes et deux visières
de plage “Super 98”, de la lotion de bronzage,
des sacs de croustilles, des boissons gazeuses et deux appareils
radio / cassette portatifs avec écouteurs
“That is one hot pic-a-nic basket,

May 1978: the Montréal
Canadiens have just won yet another Cup. WVBF Boston DJ Jeff
Baker, who lost his Bruins Stanley Cup bet, to Marc “Mais
Oui’’ Denis, visits CKGM prior to the Habs mammoth
victory parade. It will be a long and messy adventure down
Ste-Catherine St. for Jeff in his Boston Bruins jersey!
Left to right: CKGM Promotions Director & jock David Wolfe,
Jeff Baker and a jubilant “Mais Oui’’.

Les Canadiens de Montréal, 24 Coupes Stanley
May 1979: six of the Montréal
Canadiens' 24
Stanley Cup Championships occur during the
Super 70s, including four in a row culminating in
1979. That spring, they are to meet the New York
Rangers in the finals...and The CKGM Scrimmage
People are all over 980 radio with the
anthem “In
The Playoffs (Go Habs Go!)”.
CKGM Scrimmage People are: |
Lyrics & lead vocals: Marc “Mais Oui”
Chorus: Buster Bodean, Danny Hughes,
Joyce Pillarella and Sandi Stahlbrand
Announce lead-in: Robert G. Hall
Production: Doug Price
Original tune: The Village People “In The Navy”

August 1976: the CKGM Ralph
Lockwood Olympic Breakfast live from “Le Portage”
at Hotel Bonaventure as Montréal welcomes the world
once again.
Left to right: CKGM news director Mark Burns delivers the
morning headlines while traffic reporter Bonney Truscott and
evening jock
Marc “Mais Oui” Denis await their cues. Ralphie * is standing by in the local and international breakfast crowd
with microphone and “bird” firmly in hand. |

1978 : Le dj Rob Christie et Donna Desrochers,
secrétaire à la station, accueillent le chanteur
René Simard qui porte fièrement son nouveau
chandail CKGM "Montréal, Je t'aime"

1979: CBS Records bash saluting the outstanding sales
of Montréal disco star Martin Stevens' * hit single
"Love Is In The Air". L. to r: Loraine Cordeau (CBS),
Alain Montpetit * (CKGM), Martin, John Keogh (CKGM)

1977 Firebird Trans Am Camaro Z28 1978

1978: CKGM crash at Reg's: top, l. to r.:
Reg Johns (PD), Linda Bélanger (sec),
David Wolfe (jock). Bottom, l. to r.:
Doug Price (jock), Chris Coyle * (op).

Contribution (4 group photos): Danny Hughes, Halifax
1979 : "Grease is the word" et CKGM a eu son "mot"? Ã dire! De g. Ã d., Tim Harrold et Bob Ansell (Polygram Canada),
John Keogh (d. musical), Robert G. (d. programmes),
Alain Montpetit * (d. prom.), John Mackey (gérant-g.)
June 1974: Super 98 afternoon drive jock Donny Burns taking a moment to
greet and welcome singer-songwriter and former member of the Wackers
Randy Bishop dropping in to promote his first single,"Don't You Worry".
The song places at # 65 on the 1974 year-end CKGM Super 98 Countdown.
Randy Bishop "Don't You Worry" |
Contribution: Howard Blank *, Calgary
December 1975: the fall radio ratings are out and 980 CKGM has made huge gains and is placing ever closer to the top of Montréal’s English and French radio landscape. This is just one of the shots of the many revelers at the ratings party in the offices following announcement of the results.
Left to right: Charlie Conroy * (Sales, partially hidden), morning ace Ralph Lockwood *, Nancy Bird (Programming Assistant...who has just been asked the obvious trademark question by Ralphie: “How’s your bird”?), jocks Scott Carpentier and Randy Dewell * with Annie Tee (Management Secretary) closing ranks. “Aah yes...a bird in the hand is...not as good as one on your knee!” as Lockwood’s sidekick Professor Frydock would quip. |
Contribution: Moez Sabudin *, Montréal
November 1979: "How's Your Bird ?!" The tasty graphics of Montréal
artist Moez Sabudin *, illustrating the Super CKGM 'Morning Birdnest' gang
Left to right: Ralph Lockwood * (Host), Jim Bay * (Sports), Omega Medina (Traffic) and Dave Christianson (News)
Contribution: Laurie Niedjielski, Montréal
December 1976: You just never know who is coming in for a visit at the Great 98.
On this day, it's Montreal-based hit trio Toulouse.
Pictured in the radio station lobby are, left to right top: CKGM Music Director and weekend on-air personality Greg Stewart, Judi Richards (Toulouse), record rep Pete Beauchamp *. Middle with scarf: Laurie Niedjielski (Toulouse).
Bottom left to right: Heather Gauthier (Toulouse)
and CKGM Promotions Director David Wolfe.

Contribution: Jo Anne Rudy, Montréal
La 'super' plaque pour véhicule
J’aime CKGM Montréal
Contribution: Jo Anne Rudy, Montréal
May 1978: a group photo op with some of the office staffers of the day
as Jo Anne Rudy celebrates (her first !) 12 years in management at CKGM.
Left to right, standing: Ralph Lockwood * (On-air Host), Annie Tee (Corp. Sec.)
Grace Winnard * (Traffic), Charlie Conroy * (Sales Dept),
Jo Anne Rudy (Contr. / Cred. / Ops Mgr), Len Joseph * (Accounting)
Seated: Tim Pratt * (Sales Mgr)
Bravo Jo Anne and cheers !
Online since July 1, 2003 / En
ligne depuis le 1ier juillet, 2003
This page is
updated regularly / Nous
faisons des mises à jour régulièrement.
* Indicates deceased / indique
Your contribution towards the maintenance, updating and sustaining of our
980 CKGM Montreal Super 70s Tribute Page online is much appreciated.
Merci pour votre contribution envers l'entretien, la mise à jour et pérénité
en ligne de notre site Hommage à la radio 980 CKGM Super 70.
Thank you for your assistance and long life online to Montreal's Great 98 !